#!/usr/bin/perl -w &set_defaults; eval { require "variables.pl"; }; if ($@) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; &header; print <
Something is wrong with your variables.pl file. Please look carefully at the error listed below and double check the settings in the variables.pl file.

The error is:

EOF &error_footer("error_variables.shtml"); exit; } unless ($topsite_location =~ /http:\/\//) { &error(5); } unless ($topsite_location_cgi =~ /http:\/\//) { &error(6); } if ($path_to_topsites =~ /http:\/\//) { &error(7); } $topsite_location =~ s/\/$//; $topsite_location_cgi =~ s/\/$//; $path_to_topsites =~ s/\/$//; $time = time; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($time); $grt= $time - 600; $mon++; $year += 1900; $now = "$mon.$mday.$year"; $sunday = $yday - $wday; $current_time = time(); $grt= $time - 600; $current_time = time(); $member = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; $host = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; $cgiurl = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; $member =~ s/ID\=//gi; if ($member) { @pairs=split(/&/,$member); foreach $item(@pairs) { ($name,$content)=split (/=/,$item,2); $content=~tr/+/ /; $content=~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; if ($INPUT{$name}) { $INPUT{$name} = $INPUT{$name}.",".$content; } else { $INPUT{$name} = $content; } } } else { read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; if ($INPUT{$name}) { $INPUT{$name} = $INPUT{$name}.",".$value; } else { $INPUT{$name} = $value; } } } if ($INPUT{'ref'} ne "") { &nomember; } elsif ($INPUT{'hit_out'} ne "") { &out_hit; print "Location: $outurl\n\n"; exit; } else { &hit_in; } exit; ## INCOMING ## sub hit_in { ########## GATEWAY CODE ########## if ($gateway) { $type = $ENV{"CONTENT_TYPE"}; if ($type ne "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { &print_gate; exit; } $grtt = $INPUT{'value'} - 4000; if ($grtt > $grt) { $member = $INPUT{'member'}; &print_gate; exit; } unless ($host =~/$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}/i) { $member = $INPUT{'member'}; &print_gate; exit; } $member = $INPUT{'member'}; } &daily; &ipblock; $member =~ s/ID\=//gi; open (DAT,"+ 600) { $a=300; } else{ $a=0; } @database_array = ; foreach (@database_array) { @member_array = split(/\|/,$database_array[$a]); if (($member_array[4] == $member) && ($member_array[15] == 0)) { $member_array[0]++; $member_array[1]++; $member_array[17] = 0; $database_array[$a] = join("\|",@member_array); break; } $a++; } seek (DAT, 0, 0); print DAT @database_array; flock (DAT,8); close (DAT); &update; print "Location: $topsite_location\n\n"; exit; } ########## GATEWAY HTML ########## sub print_gate { $member = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; print "Content-type: text/html \n\n"; print < Manu-Baeren - TOP100 Gateway

Du bist nur noch einen KLICK von der Kreativ Links Top 100 entfernt...


© 1999-2002 by design of carthy

EOF } ########### RESET ########## sub resetmem { open (LASTTIME,"; close (LASTTIME); $doit = $current_time - $last; if ($doit > $reset_time) { open (NEWTIME,">time1.txt") || &error(3); if ($use_flock) { flock NEWTIME, 2; } print NEWTIME "$current_time"; close (NEWTIME); &reshtml; &thehtml; } } ########### UPDATE ########## sub update { open (LASTTIME,"; close (LASTTIME); $doit = $current_time - $last; if ($doit > $update_time) { open (NEWTIME,">time.txt") || &error(3); flock NEWTIME, 2; print NEWTIME "$current_time"; close (NEWTIME); &resetmem; &thehtml; } } ##### IP BLOCK ########## sub ipblock { $theip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; $found=0; if ( -e "ips.txt" ) { open( IPS, "+; seek (IPS, 0, 0); truncate (IPS,0); foreach $line(@ipdb) { @ip = split(/\|/,$line); $total_time = $current_time - $ip[1]; if ( ($ip[0] == $theip) && ($total_time < $ip_time) ) { $found=1; } if ($total_time < $ip_time) { print IPS "$ip[0]|$ip[1]|0\n"; } } unless ($found) { print IPS "$theip|$current_time|0\n"; } close IPS; } else { open( IP, ">ips.txt"); print IP "$theip|$current_time|0\n"; close IP; } if ($found) { print "Location: $topsite_location\n\n"; exit; } } ##### DAILY ######### sub daily { if ( -e "daily.txt" ) { open( DISPLAY, "+; $log_num=0; $log_num = push(@banner); if ($log_num > 1) { $log = pop(@banner); } else { $log = $banner[0]; @banner =''; } chomp($log); @today = split(/\|/,$log); $found=0; if ($today[0] eq $now) { $today[1]++; $found=1; } seek (DISPLAY, 0, 0); print DISPLAY @banner; if ($found) { print DISPLAY "$today[0]|$today[1]|$today[2]\n"; } else { print DISPLAY "$today[0]|$today[1]|$today[2]\n"; print DISPLAY "$now|1|0\n"; } close DISPLAY; } else { open( DISPLAY, ">daily.txt"); flock DISPLAY, 2; print DISPLAY "$now|1|0\n"; close DISPLAY; } } ##### reset THE HTML RANKING sub reshtml { open (DATA,"; flock (DATA,8); close (DATA); $a=0; foreach (@data_array) { @new_array = split(/\|/,$data_array[$a]); $new_array[0] = 0; $new_array[2] = 0; if (($new_array[16] > 0) && ($new_array[17] == 0)) { $new_array[16] = $new_array[16] - 1; } if ($new_array[17] == 1) { $new_array[16]++; } $new_array[17] = 1; $data_array[$a] = join("\|",@new_array); $a++; } open (DATA,">members.db"); flock (DATA,2); print DATA @data_array; flock (DATA,8); close (DATA); } ##### OUT HIT ########## sub out_hit { open (DATA,"+; $account = $INPUT{'hit_out'}; if ($account > 600) { $a=300; } else{ $a=0; } $randum_num = int(rand(2)+1); foreach (@data_array) { @new_array = split(/\|/,$data_array[$a]); if ($new_array[4] == $account) { @new_array[2]++; @new_array[3]++; $outurl = $new_array[7]; $data_array[$a] = join("\|",@new_array); break; } $a++; } seek (DATA, 0, 0); print DATA @data_array; flock (DATA,8); close (DATA); } ##### CREATES THE HTML RANKING sub thehtml { $html= ""; $html1= ""; $html2= ""; $html3= ""; $html4= ""; $html5= ""; ##### SITE OF MOMENT ######### $pos_=6; $pos1=$pos_ - 1; $siteofmoment = 201; open (DATA,"platz.db") || &error(2); flock (DATA,2); @platz_array = ; flock (DATA,8); close(DATA); $site=@platz_array; if ($site >= $pos1) { $site=$site-$pos1; $siteofmoment = int (rand($site)+$pos1); } open (DATA,"members.db"); flock (DATA,2); @data_array = ; flock (DATA,8); close(DATA); @data_array = sort {$b <=> $a} @data_array; $found=0; $a=0; foreach (@data_array) { @members_array = split(/\|/,$data_array[$a]); if (($members_array[0] >= 1) && ($found < 200)) { push(@sorted_array, join("\|", @members_array)); $found++; } $a++; } @data_array = @sorted_array; $html .= "\n\n$topsite_name\n\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "
\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "
...wird alle 6 min. aktualisiert und alle 4 Wochen auf Null gesetzt.
Liste hochpuschen lohnt nicht IP-Sperre auf 6 Stunden !
Es werden nur Seiten mit mindestens 1 HIT-IN angezeigt!
Die ersten 100 Einträge werden mit Banner angezeigt.

\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; @members_array = split(/\|/,$data_array[$siteofmoment]); if (($members_array[4]) && ($members_array[0] > 0)) { $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; } $html .="
- Site Of The Moment -
"; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= "
$members_array[8]\n"; $html .= "
\n"; $html .= "

[Seite eintragen]         WEBMASTERS:         [Eintrag ändern]
Für die Inhalte der Homepages / Banner sind ausschließlich die betreffenden Autoren verantwortlich !

\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $b=1; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; for($a = 0; $a <= 19; $a++) { @members_array = split(/\|/,$data_array[$a]); $html .= "\n"; if (($members_array[4]) && ($members_array[0] > 0)) { $platz .= "$members_array[4]|$b|$members_array[0]\n"; $html .= "\n"; } else { $html .= "\n"; } if ($members_array[4]) { $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; } else { $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; } $b++; if ($b == 6) { $html .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= "
"; if ($members_array[12]) { $html .= "$members_array[12]
"; } if ($members_array[13]) { $html .= "$members_array[13]
"; } if ($members_array[14]) { $html .= "$members_array[14]"; } $html .= "
- Hier Eintragen -$members_array[0]$members_array[2]

\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; } if ($b == 11) { $html .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; } if ($b == 16) { $html .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; } } $html .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html .= "

\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
\n"; $html .="
Bei Kreativ LinksTOP100 handelt es sich um eine automatisch und dynamisch generierte Auflistung von Links, zu der sich die Betreiber der gelinkten Seiten selbst angemeldet haben, Kreativ Links hat diese Links nicht selbst aufgenommen! Kreativ Links erklärt daher ausdrücklich, dass wir keinerlei Einfluss auf die Gestaltung und die Inhalte der gelinkten Seiten haben.
© 1999-2002 by design of carthy


\n"; open (HTML,">$path_to_topsites/topsites.html") || &error(2); print HTML "$html"; close (HTML); $html1 .= "\n\n$topsite_name\n\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "
\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "
...wird alle 6 min. aktualisiert und alle 4 Wochen auf Null gesetzt.
Es werden nur Seiten mit mindestens 1 HIT-IN angezeigt!
Die ersten 100 Einträge werden mit Banner angezeigt.

\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .= "
[Seite eintragen]         WEBMASTERS:         [Eintrag ändern]
Für die Inhalte der Homepages / Banner sind ausschließlich die betreffenden Autoren verantwortlich !
\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $b=21; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; for($a = 20; $a <= 39; $a++) { @members_array = split(/\|/,$data_array[$a]); $html1 .= "\n"; if (($members_array[4]) && ($members_array[0] > 0)){ $platz .= "$members_array[4]|$b|$members_array[0]\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; } else { $html1 .= "\n"; } if ($members_array[4]) { $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; } else { $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; } $b++; if ($b == 26) { $html1 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html1 .= ""; $html1 .= ""; $html1 .= "
"; if ($members_array[12]) { $html1 .= "$members_array[12]
"; } if ($members_array[13]) { $html1 .= "$members_array[13]
"; } if ($members_array[14]) { $html1 .= "$members_array[14]"; } $html1 .= "
- Hier Eintragen -$members_array[0]$members_array[2]

\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 31) { $html1 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 36) { $html1 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; } } $html1 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "\n"; $html1 .= "

\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
\n"; $html1 .="
> Bei Kreativ LinksTOP100 handelt es sich um eine automatisch und dynamisch generierte Auflistung von Links, zu der sich die Betreiber der gelinkten Seiten selbst angemeldet haben, Kreativ Links hat diese Links nicht selbst aufgenommen! Kreativ Links erklärt daher ausdrücklich, dass wir keinerlei Einfluss auf die Gestaltung und die Inhalte der gelinkten Seiten haben.
© 1999-2002 by design of carthy


\n"; open (HTML1,">$path_to_topsites/topsites21.html") || &error(2); print HTML1 "$html1"; close (HTML1); $html2 .= "\n\n$topsite_name\n\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "
\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "
...wird alle 2 min. aktualisiert und alle 4 Wochen auf Null gesetzt.
Es werden nur Seiten mit mindestens 1 HIT-IN angezeigt!
Die ersten 100 Einträge werden mit Banner angezeigt.

\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .= "
[Seite eintragen]         WEBMASTERS:         [Eintrag ändern]
Für die Inhalte der Homepages / Banner sind ausschließlich die betreffenden Autoren verantwortlich !
\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $b=41; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; for($a = 40; $a <= 59; $a++) { @members_array = split(/\|/,$data_array[$a]); $html2 .= "\n"; if (($members_array[4]) && ($members_array[0] > 0)){ $platz .= "$members_array[4]|$b|$members_array[0]\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; } else { $html2 .= "\n"; } if ($members_array[4]) { $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; } else { $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; } $b++; if ($b == 46) { $html2 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html2 .= ""; $html2 .= ""; $html2 .= "
"; if ($members_array[12]) { $html2 .= "$members_array[12]
"; } if ($members_array[13]) { $html2 .= "$members_array[13]
"; } if ($members_array[14]) { $html2 .= "$members_array[14]"; } $html2 .= "
- Hier Eintragen -$members_array[0]$members_array[2]

\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 51) { $html2 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 56) { $html2 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; } } $html2 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "\n"; $html2 .= "

\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
\n"; $html2 .="
> Bei Kreativ LinksTOP100 handelt es sich um eine automatisch und dynamisch generierte Auflistung von Links, zu der sich die Betreiber der gelinkten Seiten selbst angemeldet haben, Kreativ Links hat diese Links nicht selbst aufgenommen! Kreativ Links erklärt daher ausdrücklich, dass wir keinerlei Einfluss auf die Gestaltung und die Inhalte der gelinkten Seiten haben.
© 1999-2002 by design of carthy


\n"; open (HTML2,">$path_to_topsites/topsites41.html") || &error(2); print HTML2 "$html2"; close (HTML2); $html3 .= "\n\n$topsite_name\n\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "
\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "
...wird alle 6 min. aktualisiert und alle 4 Wochen auf Null gesetzt.
Es werden nur Seiten mit mindestens 1 HIT-IN angezeigt!
Die ersten 100 Einträge werden mit Banner angezeigt.

\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .= "
[Seite eintragen]         WEBMASTERS:         [Eintrag ändern]
Für die Inhalte der Homepages / Banner sind ausschließlich die betreffenden Autoren verantwortlich !
\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $b=61; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; for($a = 60; $a <= 79; $a++) { @members_array = split(/\|/,$data_array[$a]); $html3 .= "\n"; if (($members_array[4]) && ($members_array[0] > 0)){ $platz .= "$members_array[4]|$b|$members_array[0]\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; } else { $html3 .= "\n"; } if ($members_array[4]) { $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; } else { $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; } $b++; if ($b == 66) { $html3 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html3 .= ""; $html3 .= ""; $html3 .= "
"; if ($members_array[12]) { $html3 .= "$members_array[12]
"; } if ($members_array[13]) { $html3 .= "$members_array[13]
"; } if ($members_array[14]) { $html3 .= "$members_array[14]"; } $html3 .= "
- Hier Eintragen -$members_array[0]$members_array[2]

\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 71) { $html3 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 76) { $html3 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; } } $html3 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "\n"; $html3 .= "

\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
\n"; $html3 .="
> Bei Kreativ LinksTOP100 handelt es sich um eine automatisch und dynamisch generierte Auflistung von Links, zu der sich die Betreiber der gelinkten Seiten selbst angemeldet haben, Kreativ Links hat diese Links nicht selbst aufgenommen! Kreativ Links erklärt daher ausdrücklich, dass wir keinerlei Einfluss auf die Gestaltung und die Inhalte der gelinkten Seiten haben.
© 1999-2002 by design of carthy


\n"; open (HTML3,">$path_to_topsites/topsites61.html") || &error(2); print HTML3 "$html3"; close (HTML3); $html4 .= "\n\n$topsite_name\n\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "
\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "
...wird alle 6 min. aktualisiert und alle 4 Wochen auf Null gesetzt.
Es werden nur Seiten mit mindestens 1 HIT-IN angezeigt!
Die ersten 100 Einträge werden mit Banner angezeigt.

\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .= "
[Seite eintragen]         WEBMASTERS:         [Eintrag ändern]
Für die Inhalte der Homepages / Banner sind ausschließlich die betreffenden Autoren verantwortlich !
\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $b=81; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; for($a = 80; $a <= 99; $a++) { @members_array = split(/\|/,$data_array[$a]); $html4 .= "\n"; if (($members_array[4]) && ($members_array[0] > 0)){ $platz .= "$members_array[4]|$b|$members_array[0]\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; } else { $html4 .= "\n"; } if ($members_array[4]) { $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; } else { $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; } $b++; if ($b == 86) { $html4 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html4 .= ""; $html4 .= ""; $html4 .= "
"; if ($members_array[12]) { $html4 .= "$members_array[12]
"; } if ($members_array[13]) { $html4 .= "$members_array[13]
"; } if ($members_array[14]) { $html4 .= "$members_array[14]"; } $html4 .= "
- Hier Eintragen -$members_array[0]$members_array[2]

\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 91) { $html4 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 96) { $html4 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; } } $html4 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "\n"; $html4 .= "

\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
\n"; $html4 .="
> Bei Kreativ LinksTOP100 handelt es sich um eine automatisch und dynamisch generierte Auflistung von Links, zu der sich die Betreiber der gelinkten Seiten selbst angemeldet haben, Kreativ Links hat diese Links nicht selbst aufgenommen! Kreativ Links erklärt daher ausdrücklich, dass wir keinerlei Einfluss auf die Gestaltung und die Inhalte der gelinkten Seiten haben.
© 1999-2002 by design of carthy


\n"; open (HTML4,">$path_to_topsites/topsites81.html") || &error(2); print HTML4 "$html4"; close (HTML4); $html5 .= "\n\n$topsite_name\n\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "
\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "
...wird alle 6 min. aktualisiert und alle 4 Wochen auf Null gesetzt.
Es werden nur Seiten mit mindestens 1 HIT-IN angezeigt!
Die ersten 100 Einträge werden mit Banner angezeigt.

\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .= "
[Seite eintragen]         WEBMASTERS:         [Eintrag ändern]
Für die Inhalte der Homepages / Banner sind ausschließlich die betreffenden Autoren verantwortlich !
\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $b=101; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; for($a = 100; $a <= 199; $a++) { @members_array = split(/\|/,$data_array[$a]); $html5 .= "\n"; if (($members_array[4]) && ($members_array[0] > 0)){ $platz .= "$members_array[4]|$b|$members_array[0]\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } else { $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($members_array[4]) { $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } else { $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } $b++; if ($b == 106) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; if ($members_array[12]) { $html5 .= "$members_array[12]
"; } if ($members_array[13]) { $html5 .= "$members_array[13]
"; } if ($members_array[14]) { $html5 .= "$members_array[14]"; } $html5 .= "
- Hier Eintragen -$members_array[0]$members_array[2]

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 111) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 116) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 121) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 126) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 131) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 136) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 141) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 146) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 151) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 156) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 161) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 166) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 171) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 176) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 181) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 186) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 191) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } if ($b == 196) { $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out

\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; } } $html5 .="
Pos.Titel, BannerHits InHits Out
\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "\n"; $html5 .= "

\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
\n"; $html5 .="
> Bei Kreativ LinksTOP100 handelt es sich um eine automatisch und dynamisch generierte Auflistung von Links, zu der sich die Betreiber der gelinkten Seiten selbst angemeldet haben, Kreativ Links hat diese Links nicht selbst aufgenommen! Kreativ Links erklärt daher ausdrücklich, dass wir keinerlei Einfluss auf die Gestaltung und die Inhalte der gelinkten Seiten haben.
© 1999-2002 by design of carthy


\n"; open (HTML5,">$path_to_topsites/topsites101.html") || &error(2); print HTML5 "$html5"; close (HTML5); open (RANKING,">platz.db"); flock (RANKING,2); print RANKING $platz; flock (RANKING,8); close (RANKING); } sub set_defaults { # SET DEFAULTS # $version = "5.01"; $over_bg = "#FFFFFF"; $text_color = "#000080"; $text_color1 = "#FFFFFF"; $link_color = "#000080"; $font_size = "1"; $font_face = "verdana"; $table_border = 0; $table_padding = 3; $table_spacing = 2; $table_width = 650; $table_bg = "#FFFFFF"; $table_head_bg1 = "#FFFFFF"; $table_head_bg = "#FFFFFF"; $text_table_head = "#FFFFFF"; $round_int = 1; } sub error{ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $errors = $_[0] ; &header; if ($errors == 1) { print <An error has occured reading and writing to members.db

More information on the problem:

EOF &error_footer("rw_members.shtml"); } elsif ($errors == 2) { print <An error has occured trying to write/create the file topsites.html

topsites.html is set to be created in the dir:

More information on the problem:

EOF &error_footer("wc_topsites.shtml"); } elsif ($errors == 3) { print <An error has occured trying to write/create the file time.txt

More information on the problem:

EOF &error_footer("wc_time.shtml"); } elsif ($errors == 4) { print <
Thank you

EOF &footer; } elsif ($errors == 5) { print <You have your variables.pl configured wrong

The value you have entered for \$topsite_location does not contain http://

EOF &error_footer("variables.shtml"); } elsif ($errors == 6) { print <You have your variables.pl configured wrong

The value you have entered for \$topsite_location_cgi does not contain http://

EOF &error_footer("variables.shtml"); } elsif ($errors == 7) { print <You have your variables.pl configured wrong

The value you have entered for \$path_to_topsites contains http:// which is for urls, not paths

EOF &error_footer("variables.shtml"); } exit; } sub header { print < Top Sites
EOF } sub error_footer { $error_url = $_[0]; print <
EOF } sub footer { $error_url = $_[0]; print <
EOF } sub nomember { &resetmem; &thehtml; print "Location: $topsite_location2/topsites.html\n\n"; exit; }